Saturday, October 1, 2011

Integrating Technology into the Classroom Podcast

This is where the link to my podcast was going to be, but I discovered that it is not so simple to link a podcast to a blog.  I don't have time to do it right now.  I started making my podcast at about 4:00AM and it is now afteer 21:00 hrs and I am cleaning cat hair off of my keyboard.  I did not work the whole time on it.  I stopped initially after 6 hrs and moved on to EDUC 337 Unit Plan assignment.  Then, in the middle of that I made a Zucchini based lasagna.  Then, I finished my UbD template.  Then, I went back to the podcast at about 5 PM.  By the way UbD is a trademark owned by the people who promote UbD so that they can make more money.  If they can convince teachers that it is the best teaching method, they make more money.  And, they are pretty successful because most people are sheep, afterall.  I have my own method which is work long and work hard.

Anyway, I was initially going to say that making my podcast was quick and easy, it was easy but not quick.  I was nearly done by 8:00AM but I just couldn't figure out how to split my voice track so that my gong (sound effect) wouldn't interfere with my narration.  Oh, yes I had to find and download a sound effects program and a music program.  That was quick and easy.

So, first I found and read several related articles about using technology in the classroom and developed my script using all of them.  I dfound it more interesting and easier to script when I had multiple people to interview.  First, I hand wrote the script.  Then, I typed and edited it.  I was in a hurry to make the podcast, truthfully.  Then, I opened Audacity and started.  I had downloaded it the night before along with some other programs.  Then, I first read the script.  Then, I imported 2 tracks of the music putting one at the beginning and one at the end.  Then I modified my script and re-did it to be better able to add my gong.  I added my fades in and out (no, out and in).  Later, I divided (not split) the in to an in/out because that made more sense.  Finally, I wanted to separate my voice from my gong.  I thought it would be easy.  No, it was not because I couldn't make it happen in the correct order on Audacity.   You would think that I could just grab my gong and squeeze it.  That didn't work either but it woke me up, anyway.  So, I gave up after watching about 10 YouTube videos where people tried to explain it.  One guy did a great job in less than 2 minutes but i couldn't find it a second time.  I needed rest.  Then, when I came back, it took me just a few minutes to do it.  See, it really was quick and easy, afterall.  I just opened Audacity, called up my saved project, plaed it until it got to the place, stopped it at the right palce, highlighted (selected) the part of the voice track behind the place I stopped the play, went to edit, selected "split" and the selected part of my track dropped way to the bottom of the screen in another channel.  I selected the move tool and dragged it back a little.  I did it for page 2 and page 3 of my voice recording and I was done.

Not so Fast!  I wanted to link it to my blog.  I tried and failed.  So, I watched those instructions in Lynda.  I like Lynda a lot, actually.  I discovered that I have to publish it on a web site first.  Not today, because my provider wass hosting a free feed for everybody cept me cause I forgot about it.  Gee, Maggie May was singing too.  Nuts!  She and Roger are on the road a lot these days(Maggie May).   So, we don't have as many free barn dances as we used to.  I am glad she is doing so well.  Anyway, I'm going to try and publish it because I want to find out how to get files on my provider's server.  I wonder whether I can use dreamweaver and put it on UWSPs server by getting it on my SOE portfolio.  What do you think?

Go to the page linked below and find the title low on the right side of the page. Give it a little time to get there and make sure that Quicktime loads.  Ureka!

Technology in the Classroom Podcast

Well, how about that!  And, I hope you will scroll down to How it made me feel on he same page.

These links below represent my sources of information for my podscript

Integrating Technology into the Classroom

Using Technology in Classrooms

Government Research

School Stories

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