Saturday, October 8, 2011

Internet Sites Evaluations

     I know that this is a bogus site because the scientific name is bogus.  When I looked up the scientific name on I, I got a Wikipedia site that told me that the web site was a hoax.  Most links to it say it's a hoax.  Doug says, "It is every bit as real as a snipe".  Of course, Doug is too ignorant to know that snipe are real birds.  He meant snipe hunt.  Anyone who reads the site "November ....." has the answer and knows the answer for  all four of these sites and more.  The site is not a dot com; it is a dot net making it more likely to be incredible compared to a dot com.

This site is obviously a hate site based on its message.  It is a dot org.  It is blocked by school web sites.  Links go to bogus sites, there is no David Duke autobiography.  Most links end up in ludicrous cyberplaces.
David Duke would be ashamed of it and I am certain he would like his name off of it.

This site is a dot com.  It has a copywrite date.  It has links to twitter and facebook that are legit.  It has a disclaimer starting the purpose of the site.  It lists credits for certain photos etc, and it has a contact link.   Links go to legitimate sites with information I know is correct and that is verifyable elsewhere such as in history text books.  The November Learning site seems to suggest that it is a "good" site.  A google search links to a lot of good information about lessons for kids to use to evaluate web sites also too.

Obviously water is water unless it is upgraded to beer (dhmo.malt).  The translation button does not work.  November Learning lists it as a bogus site.  There are links to other goofy sites.  Its contact to a federal politician page is not a legitimate site for making contact with a federal politician.  It has no referenced literature to published research.  It is a dot org, its pay pal doesn't work. Its ""translations does not work.  I was last modified recently and the copywrite is owned by Tom Way who teaches computing stuff at Villanova University.  Obviously, he is neither a chemist nor a member of the dhmo organization which doesn't exist.

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