Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Rethinking 2

On page 9 the authors say, "Enthusiasts predict that the sweeping technological changes experienced in the worlds of business and entertainment must also take place in schools".  I think that they are behind the 8 ball on this.  It already happened.  We call it vocational education or junior college on the one hand and computer games in schools that can't be blocked on the ohther.

The authors also say on page 9 that, "Reading , writing, and thinking are what education is all about."  We call that bone head english and bonew head math.  There is nothing wrong with using he old tools.  I think that they may be superior to the new technologies.  I would like to see strudents getting fundamental skills before thsey are cut loose on the Internet.

And, "The notion of just-in-time learning is that whenever you need to learn something to accomplish a task, you can find out what you need to know."  I think that this is an interesting idea that I embrace partly but also question.  It can be a dangerous ides because it flies in the face of the concept of "expert".  A neophyyte will most likely make mistakes because they do not know enough of the ins and outs of a subject.  I can't accept the notion that "just-in-time learning will ever adequately replace "expertise".  Let's see what the skeptics think.

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